Kim Hodous, Grief Recovery Coach - Parents Counseling

I was 30 years old when my 2-year-old daughter Chelsea died of leukemia.  As the young mother of 4 children under the age of 5 at that time, I buried my grief in the busy-ness of a household still full of little ones.  I didn’t have that luxury last year when my 29-year-old son Rob died of a drug overdose, as all my kids were grown and out of the house and my time was now my own. 

I don’t know that I ever fully dealt with Chelsea’s death, but I ‘made sense’ of it by focusing on teaching others how to find true, inner happiness, regardless of what circumstances they might find themselves in or what they had endured in their past.  This lead to the writing of four books and a beautiful 15 year career as The Happiness Speaker.  I loved that season of my life…..

But with Rob’s death, I no longer wanted to just go stand in front of large audiences and speak on happiness.  I wanted to find a way to connect one-on-one with other grieving parents .… and help them find happiness once again.

Within a few months of Rob’s death, I found the Grief Recovery Method.  It was so life changing, I decided to get certified and listen to the calling of my heart, which was to help other parents who had suffered the loss of a child.  Now, I want to work one-on-one and do the intimate work of opening my heart to your heart, and helping you heal.  It is possible. 

Here’s what I believe about grief:

I believe that Grief is universal, and yet we all experience it differently. 

I believe there is no ‘right’ way to grieve or specified timeline for grief, but that prolonged and unresolved grief can lead to a variety of distressing physical and emotional issues like anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and the inability to concentrate, to name just a few. 

I believe grief is complicated and is rarely linear. 

I believe to heal we need to go beyond simply sharing our pain with others and telling our story….over and over and over…. 

I believe we need to be educated on what grief is and the small and correct actions we can take to complete our grief and deal with any unresolved emotions. 

And I believe, especially if you’ve lost a child to suicide or overdose, it gets even more complicated and more convoluted, and we need to deal with all that too!

Here's what I believe about you:

How you are feeling right now is normal and it’s the natural reaction to an overwhelming loss.  You’re not going crazy.  You’re grieving.

You are not broken and you do not need to be ‘fixed.’  You simply need to know the actions to take to heal.

I believe you can heal from your child’s death, and doing so is an honoring of your child, not a denial of how much you loved them, how much they are missed and how much they mattered.

Your grief won’t go away with time, in fact it may get worse.  Your grief will go away when you deal with it.

Regardless of how your child died, their death is not your fault, you haven’t failed as a parent, and there is nothing you could have done to change it.

If you feel resentment towards parents with happy, healthy children – that doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you a normal grieving parent.

Here’s what I can tell you about me:

In the time we spend together, you will have 100% of me - my heart, my time, my attention and my love - to help you heal. 

I cannot change the magnitude of your loss, but together, we can find healing and create meaning out of that tremendous loss.

I know I can help you.  I have helped thousands of people find happiness over the years, and although this format is so very different from being on stage, I know my years of experience as a happiness speaker, combined with the proven and right actions, can help you heal your heart and reach for more…

I want you to know I’m NOT the one for you if….

You’ve become comfortable with your grief and it feels like a pair of old familiar sweat pants that you love to wear….and don’t want to throw out.  If you’re ready for a new wardrobe?  I’m for you.

You’ve been in pain for so long that your grief is all you identify with and you feel like if you were not grieving, you wouldn’t know who you are.  If you’re ready to identify with all the good that still awaits you?  I’m for you.

You think it would mean you don’t love your child or their life didn’t matter if you were to stop grieving them. If you’re ready to honor your child by living your best life?  I’m for you.

You think you’ll never get over it. I know you’ll NEVER forget your child, but I believe you can overcome the pain of their death.   If you are you ready to move beyond the pain and the loss?  I’m for you.   

I would love to work with you.  If I’m not for you, or not for you right now, please check out these valuable resources that might help.  If you’re ready to get started, please check out my programs or sign up for a time for us to chat to discover if I’d be a good fit for you.

From My Heart to Yours,


What People Are Saying

If credentials are important to you, here are a few of my qualifications:

Certified Transformational Coach – Transform Coaching Academy™

Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – International Coaching Federation™

Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) – National Speaker Association™

Grief Recovery Specialist – Grief Recovery Institute™

Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist – Grief Recovery Institute™

Certified Akashic Records Practitioner

Bachelor of Science – Ball State University

And a couple of cool awards I’ve been honored with:

Arkansas Small Business Hall of Fame

Author of the Year  - National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®

Quilly Award – National Academy of Best- Selling Authors®

Indie Next Generation Book of Excellence Award Finalist

Here’s my biggest accomplishment though – I can still say I love my life even after losing two children.  I believe it’s a privilege to love so much that it hurts this deeply.  And I believe our ‘gone children’ are honored more if we make our life better for them having been here.

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